A downloadable game for Windows

This game was made for the Gam Jam #36

The Candle Show A first-person game where you navigate between two worlds to solve puzzles and save yourself from the Candle Show!

You have been chosen; now you must succeed in the 2 trials of the Candle Show! The trials include orientation, reflection, speed, and observation. Your life depends on it!

We don't have enough time to make tips for the level two, so there it is :

"Candles show you the way..."

"The star have been guiding like a compass ..."

"compass will guide you in the code"

Soluces For the level 2, you have to light 4 candles in the "dark" world to reveal 4 icones, with that and the star on the ceilling, you can decript with the image on the ground the code for the suitcase.
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Download The Candle Show 1.4 GB
Version 1 Feb 07, 2024

Install instructions

Thanks for downloading it, you just have to download and open the .exe file. It was a game for a game jam, so it is not complete at the moment, and some clues for test #2are written in the description below. Don't forget to check if you are stuck :)

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